HIS story becomes MY story.
Faithful practices in the Christian faith function as pathways of experiencing God’s grace. These are some of the primary biblical-historic ways that we seek God together.
HIS story becomes MY story. This is an ancient, earthy and symbolic
way to tell the those around us that our story of the forgiveness of
sins is wrapped up in HIS story of sacrifice for US.
Eating a HOLY meal. Jesus broke the bread and took hold of a cup of
wine saying “This is my body and this is my blood…do this to remember
LIFE together - with Jesus is an awesome reality to experience.
Jesus prayed to the Father, asking that those who follow Him would be
ONE, just like THEY are ONE. Everyone is seeking for true fellowship, safe
community. This is where it is found.

The Bible means “Book”. It is the book of the Christian faith.
specifically, it is described as light for our path and food for our soul.
Telling us about God, it is our grid for evaluating experiences, showing us the way to find joy and happiness.
When we follow Jesus we talk to Him about all of life. This is a key
way that we grow in our relationship with Him. It is the key to unlocking the invisible power of the kingdom of God among us.
Jesus did not come to be served, but to SERVE others. We want to
follow Him in serving each other and also those among us in our ocean corridor communities.